Enacting What We Believe
The SEED Project (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity)SM partners with communities, organizations, and schools to train leaders who facilitate their peers in conversational communities to drive personal, organizational, and societal change toward social justice.
As a project, we challenge ourselves to make SEED more just as an organization and community. Each year we make changes to our pedagogy and content that will be more impactful for the educators/facilitators we work with. We also examine the structure of our organization itself and constantly question whether SEED reflects the justice we want to see in the world.
We believe that every student deserves an education that will grow their mind, build their confidence and creativity, and develop an appreciation for diversity and our shared humanity. In short, we believe every child deserves a socially just education.
In the service of this vision, we are moving the SEED Project to a fee schedule that will allow more public schools and specifically more under-resourced schools to attend SEED New Leaders Week and become part of the SEED community of educators and activists. We are doing this recognizing that even as all of us have been impacted by the stress of our multiple ongoing pandemics, the socioeconomic divide in our country and world is growing. While the stock market has gone up over 20% in the past year, unemployment has increased over 90%. Given our positionality as a project that has partners across the socioeconomic spectrum, we have felt compelled to act.
For participants in New Leaders Weeks 2021 (cohorts 35 A, B & C), the fee for a partner that is a public institution, public-facing non-profit serving marginalized communities, or community organization is $3500 per person. The fee for a private site partner is $5500 per person. Partners may apply for additional scholarships based on the community they serve (e.g. the % of students of color or students receiving free/reduced price meals).
After a SEED New Leader completes New Leaders Week, that SEED Leader and their institution will have access to the wealth of human and shelf resources that the SEED Project has to offer:
- Continued coaching by co-directors and staff, and interactive exercises that increase people's abilities to see systemically
- 24/7 access to SEED leaders-only resources and online social media community
- Weekly Craft Cabin meetings focused on checking in and incorporating the arts into SEED seminars
- Monthly Office Hours with SEED Co-Directors and other SEED staff
- Bi-Monthly SEED Community calls with staff and leaders from across cohorts
- Quarterly Leader Reports from other seminar leaders sharing resources, plans, successes, and struggles
- Regional networks for SEED leaders
- Support from SEED co-directors and other experienced SEED leaders
- Unlimited access to SEED staff via the info line info@nationalseedproject.org
SEED New Leaders Week is the entry point to an ongoing relationship between newly trained leaders and the SEED support network as described above; we understand that facilitating a group of peers is a powerful opportunity and challenges leaders to collaborate with each other as well as the SEED network of experienced leaders.
Jondou Chase Chen, Gail Cruise-Roberson and Emmy Howe